Farm and Rental Leases

Whether you are leasing farmland or commercial rental property, leasing your real property is a great way for you to receive income. As a tenant, leasing the right real property is vital to the success of your operation or business. However, ensuring you have the best lease terms for your needs is crucial to preventing loss and protecting your rights.

Farm Lease

Farm leases can come in many different forms, including cash-rent leases and crop-rent leases. Additionally, farm leases have unique considerations that require specialized knowledge and expertise. Our firm has extensive experience in farm leasing. Whether you are an owner or tenant, we work with you to craft a farm lease that takes into account your specific needs and situation. Below is a list of some of the specific terms we can craft to meet your individual needs:

  • Lease terms, including duration of lease
  • How rent is paid and when it is due
  • Provisions for existing crops
  • Provisions for payment of surface damages, including seismograph, pipeline or well-site damages
  • Maintenance of structures and improvements
  • Rights of first refusal

Rental Property

Whether you are a landlord or a tenant, having the correct rental property lease for your needs is of the upmost importance. There is more to a rental property lease than merely setting out how rent is paid and for how long. It is important to consider how to protect yourself from liability exposure, what costs you will be responsible for, and in what condition the property needs to be maintained. We can protect your interests in all of these areas and more.